2008년 4월 6일 일요일


This week's topic is Social network.
We are have Social network. Social network is not one way. It must be communicate.
For example I know Brad pitt. but Brad pitt don't know me.. It is not Social network.
Many scientist study about social network.
Jesus, Acardemy award, etc....
These day we have complex social network than past. because We are connected Internet.
So We have more bigger social network.
For example Amarzon site is have social network system.
Some Book's review is not explain only one book, review is connected Another book.
Internet is a society. We are make a social network to Internet.
For example Cyworld, Club, Cafe... Some people have a same interest.
They are have a club or cafe. This is a social network.
I think Social network is very important in Real world and Cyber world.
So We must have many social networks.

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